Discover and try in real conditions our classics, utilities and bus at the Labo de REV in Paris, unique place of innovation, retrofit and sharing (upon appointment only).

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What is the retrofit/ electric conversion?

Retrofitting consists of replacing the polluting heat engine of an existing vehicle with a virtuous electric battery or hydrogen electric system. 

The mission of REV Mobilities

At REV, our mission is to contribute to shaping the virtuous mobility of tomorrow that responds to the major challenges of sustainable development.

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Rev Mobilities


A story of encounters and synergies. By structuring the retrofit sector, we have created a rank 1 ecosystem made up of world-renowned partners with high standards.

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Service Rev Professional

Un conseiller à vos cotés

Texte accompagnement pro, personnalisé et demande de devis. Sed sollicitudin dui eu ultricies tempus. Phasellus commodo justo nec velit sodales ornare. Nullam ligula leo, blandit vel erat eget, aliquam sollicitudin sem. Nam mauris nisl, volutpat vel vehicula id, lacinia ut orci. Aliquam efficitur risus ut erat placerat, pellentesque rutrum ipsum venenatis.

Nous contacter
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Existe-t’il des primes ?

Découvrez tout ce que vous devez savoir avant de rétrofiter votre véhicule utilitaire. Nullam ligula leo, blandit vel erat eget, aliquam sollicitudin sem. Nam mauris nisl, volutpat vel vehicula id, lacinia ut orci.

Découvrir les aides